So, this is the Prague Castle. It's not too far off from the school I've applied to. Funny thing that. I got an email from them the other day, with the heading - YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN ACCEPTED. I read through the email, ate a bit, then hopped in the shower. As I was soaping up I though - OMG! I GOT ACCEPTED!! All I could think about was the damn heading of the email and not a single bit of the content. It completely eluded me.
I was tempted to jump out and run over to the computer and check it again, but I was actually on a trip and a guest in someone's home and the computer was in the kitchen...saved myself from some major embarrassment by just finishing the shower, throwing some clothes on, and then rushing out to the kitchen.
And yes, the Anglo-American University in Prague has accepted my application. As in, they've accepted it is a submisison for review, not as in they've made a determination upon the merits and admitted me.
For that I have to wait a little while longer.
Meanwhile, my dreams are filled with medevial castles and rainbows.
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