Tuesday, November 6, 2007
My Second Friendly email from Ut-yah
get through this but they're having me do a really rapid detox & tons
of working out & radical diet change al at the same time and I feel
kinda of crazy and really good. Thanks for the kind thoughts - had a
great time at Scott''s too! See you soon -
Monday, November 5, 2007
(timely response required but) SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS!!
If you could, I've bought pretty postcards and would like to send you
one, yet I failed to bring along any addresses other than those
committed to memory - and most of you I don't know your address to
begin with! So I really would appreciate it if you could send me your
address - except you BR, I'll just write yours and you and give me
your address when you get back and I'll send your postcards then - I
think it will still be before I come home.
This weekend was wonderful! We had different staff and two of the
three were increidly cool! We went hiking along the Narrows in Zion
and went in to town a few times, and even out to lunch were we were
allowed to eat red meat if we so chose. Then last night I went to the
store with Eddie, one of the medics, and stocked up on stuff - he and
the other 2 'guests' stocked up on candy and chocolates, and I stocked
up on banana chips, granola, and pistachios...seriously - they're
hidden away in my room right now - we aren't supposed to really have
outside food, but they gave me a box of Kashi bars so I know it's not
a hardcore rule. We got back and they played a game kind of like the
Christmas white elephant game but also different - you roll the dice
and if you get 7 or 11 or doubles you get to pick a candy bar, and
then the next person goes - and they can pick candy off the table or
steal yours....now here's the different part - if someone steals your
candy you're out of luck - you don't get to pick again unti you roll
the right numbers! It was so funny to watch about 15 sugar starved
adults battling it out and negotiating for candy! Not what I
expected, but my 72 year old roommate stole my candy!
My other roommate and I were just talking, and with the remoteness and
the highly regimented schedule and the taskmasters who come looking
for you if you're not where you're supposed to be - it feels somewhat
like we've been institutionalized in the cushy be bed, spa like resort
with all health food and excercise - odd but still like an
institution. So, I say this, but please accept everything with this
caveat - I am going through major withdrawals and am ready to either
snap a neck or two or cry for my mommy cause there's a dead coyote
walking along my ceiling. Not really, but sometimes it looks like it
and I am rather emotional without emotional direction. I am not angry
at anyone, haven't broken up or fallen in love, everyone is alive and
healthy so there's no emotional trigger yet the tears flow anyway.
Other subject - there is a baby skunk living under the kitchen -
Saturday night it sprayed. Sunday morning they thought they'd chased
it away because it was not to be found on the premises yet the odor
did not diminish and at times seemed rather refreshed. Well, Lori the
Nazi Cook, found it that afternoon - it had climbed up and fallen in
to the garbage can. It couldn't get out, and being a baby and scared
and stressed, it just kept on spraying and spraying. The beautiful
massive kitchen is no longer my preferred gathering spot. Monday
evening and it is still offending the olfactory senses.
Sorry for another rather excessive email - it's cool if you skipped it
and just sent me your address, I hope you are all enjoying the
beautiful weather, spending time outdoors while you can, and smiling
and laughing multiple times on an hourly basis. That is my wish for
you all for the evening. Rather, I hope you are all as happy as you
deserve to be, which means a life full of bliss for all of you.
Much love -
Saturday, November 3, 2007
the onset of insanity
point in time I realized something - I am going crazy. It is
affecting me more than you, but apologies all the same....I'm just
writing to stave the insanity. We're hiking in Zion tomorrow. I am
looking forward to that. It has healing powers through out the areas
we're going so maybe it will help. Did I tell you there is a crazy
cowboy from Portland that only eats red meat (which does not exist
here) and will not eat fish or ground turkey or buffalo burgers or
boca burgers or vegetables? He shows up for yoga in jeans 4 sizes too
small with his 6" belt buckle, boots, and his hat. He kills me.
Also, this place has ghosts. I can feel them but someone else can see
them. Or we're having simultaneous hallucinations...
Sleep well my pretties...
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Further forms of my limited contact with the outside world
medication withdrawal and I was having a pretty hard time this
morning....they couldn't find the key for my medication lockbox and so
I was about 3 and half hours late getting my first dose which was hard
because everything was
drasticallyl reduced the day before...it felt awful, but also made me
realize how acclimated my body has become to these meds...and I am
grateful to be getting off!!! The people here are great!!
I've had my heart rate tested to see my target heartrate, have my own
routine with a personal trainer, have worked with a nutritionist who also
tested us today and determined what our resting caloric needs, our
maximum caloric intake and how to calculate our fitness caloric
intake combined with our target heartrate range for burning fat
without going too far and burn muscle, have met with the MD Dr and the
OMD DR and the acupuncuturist and a chiropractor and a physical
therapist and a mind body specialist and an EFT trainer and quite a
number of other health related people too. Next week I'll do Watsu
and another aquatic method that involves two practictioners moving me
that it a lot like Watsu but supposedly more emotionally based.
The weekend guys arrived and brought popcorn and candy and most of us
stayed up too late and ate things that we probably shouldn't have. I
thought I was eating the safe healthy butter free popcorn and instead
I had the kettle corn - and our lecturer brought us all chocolate
kisses - another big no-no. We're on a no dairy no red meat nothing
white low fat sort of diet but with additional arbitrary restriction
randomly determined by "The Kitchen Nazi" - as she calls herself - and
signs her postings.
Today we finally left the grounds and immediate surround ghost towns
and extensive desert, and went in to a town. There we went souvenier
shopping and again - the weekend crew took us to get some
icecream...but I didn't eat the cone.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
First sign of life from my time in physical rehab, aka physical HELL!
I started to write you last night but oviously I was as high as a cat
as you willl see from my attempt I was higher than a kite...but at
least I got the first two words out right!!
The place is beautiful, the food is great, the people who work here
are wonderful, most of the "guests" here are pretty cool, and my
roommates are both the youngest person and the oldest person at this
place - 23 and I think 72 or 78. More on that another day - we're
still trying to find our groove here, not that it's uncomfortable, but
still not quite groovin just yet. I had 4 medical or physical
appointments and a massage yesterday. I think I have 4 more today and
another massage, and we're going hiking in a ghost town just down the
I forgot to tell you - we are in the middle of no where, down obscured
road with warning signs about fire arms, and then down a few more dirt
roads - I couldn't escape if I wanted to...but I don't so that's ok -
there is zero light interference out here and the sky is AMAZING!!
OK I'm going to eat and then get doped up again, but I hope you three
have a lovely day and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
Hey there firk-================afc
friendly c==at gift bag
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Pain Rehab???
Well, I thought a bout it and returned to my therapist and asked...WTF why are you in collusion with my Mom?? I thought you were MY therapist and was not expecting you to throw out something brand new that we've never even discussed!!!
She stated, it was the first time it had occurred to her and she believed it would be a great experience. We talked some more and I came to see her point of view...some in-patient place that specializes in chronic pain woud be good for me, and allow me some space to feel and be myself without the stress and crush of my daily dreary life and parental oversight (or rather, maternal oversight).
So I started looking, and I discovered that the clinics in the US are meant for addicts and amputees - there aren't any out there just for people in pain - AND they charge TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars! I found some that were about $60K! I thought that was freakin ridiculous...Then I started finding clinics but they only did highly invasive things that required constant and continued medical care - I wanted to be DONE with the Docs and the meds and the pain.
And then I started to look outside the US where the medical system is not focused on profit but on recovery and immediately I found places that were ridiculously low and focused on you leaving without pain and low meds or no meds - the systems that were not based on profits were the ones that dealt in HEALING TREATMENT rather than continued treatment.
I found one I liked and was ready to go, but then my Mom found this one pretty cool place in Utah - it's called The Bridge. They had all the alternative stuff I am interested in and are focused on healing rather than invasive and continued medical care - a nice mix of eastern and western medicine. And it sounded great - Soutern Utah, near Mt. Zion, great weather, beautiful scenery, and the treatments I want...I'm leaving Oct 29.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Update on the "I" or "I" dilemma AND a new adventure for me too!
AND the weekend that he left I took myself on a new little adventure - I made my way out to Harbin Hot Springs for the very first time and fell in love with the healing and peacefulness that place exudes...it was incredible! It was all perfect except for one thing - I had my monthly visitor and so was not comfortable going completely nude, and kept my bottoms on for the day. Next time though!!! I will truly experience it. The other incredible thing was just getting to know some new people who are really nice and friendly, and then discovering that one of them was someone I had met earlier in life - when I was in a bad place with my ex-husband, and he would intentionally show up where I was with some girl or another, and then wait till I had left my seat at the club to dance or mingle or use the bathroom, and then come in, and sit his girly friend down in my chair and start talking with the people I was there with. He had done it too many times, and after a few drinks I lost a little bit of my ladylike decorum and was extremely and exceedingly rude to this new girl, while tying to be decent to my ex-husband as we'd been going through a difficult time and were really iffy between peaceful co-existence and hatefilled interatction - I was continuing to aim for the former.
Anyway, when I got home that night I was totally mortified by my behavior - it had been so extreme and unkind and hateful towards this girl, and I knew she felt it - it was pretty obvious snubbing, biting sarcasm, and just plain rude lack of acknowledgement. And yes, she was sitting on my chair, with my drink, and rather than just tell her to get up, I sat down and sort of shoved her off - not all the way, but most of the way, while I was talking to a friend whom I had purpsefully introduced to everyone but her. I felt awful and was embarassed, but hadn't ever really looked her in the face and therefore would not have been ablel to pick her out of a lineup in the bar and so was unable to track her down to apologize.
Until we were at Harbin and she mentioned something to me about Him. And then I couldn't stop apologizing. She really deserved a bit more, not just from me, but from him too for intentionally putting her in the situation, offering her my seat, and refusing her request that he explain to me that they were nothing but rather distant friends.
OK, I'm tired now, so this is down. Bye!
Family Frenemies - WTF??
All of us but one. The one I agreed to have move into the "family home" in which I currently live with my kid, and this brother and his family. This is a home purchased by my parents, in an insanely overpriced area of the country where the majority of the family live. It has been stated the house if for whoever needs it most, but until my daughter is out of high school it is for us. My brother asked if he could stay too and I not only said yes, I offered them the master bedroom, the baby a room, and half the garage to use as his personal music space.
Since the time they've moved in I've done my best to stay out of their way and respect their space, keeping in mind that this is totally temporary and things will be "normal" for me and my family in a few short months - supposed to be weeks but he's already overstayed.
Today however was different - they're housesitting for a few weeks, and are supposed to be away. We had family friends over for a night of games and fun, and this morning the house was clean, put in order, with just recycling to take care of - something I cannot actually do myself as I cannot open the bins due to my arm/shoulder issues.
We were visiting next door when my brother walked through in a rage - not his usual state - when I asked him what was wrong, he blasted me for trashing the house - I said the house has been all picked up, there's only recycling. He was upset and spewed out that there was so much more, and so I went home, with my kid who can open the recycling bins for me, and took a look at what he was saying to take care of it. Basically, the recycling which had been organized in a box and a bag after the party the preceding night. And he was angry that we're having internet issues that started Friday and weren't resolved over the three day weekend (Labor Day - noone called back over the weekend despite my best efforts, and that is not my problem).
At this point my daughter was crying and saying how unhappy she is living with them - a statement she has previously made.
We went inside and he was there - I told him he owed her an apology and he said why - I answered that when he jumped on me, she also took it personally as she was part of what was going on, and she gets upset when people talk to me in the manner in which he did - he said, not his issue, not his problem, and not going to. He just had something to....and then I cut him off with a don't bother, don't care to listen to you anymore, and went to do my laundry.
He was still there when I was done, but I had seen him go in to her and try talking with her So I listened to what he had to say. Basically that he just wanted us all to get along....it went further than that, how he's here to support us etc etc. He has not made a single supportive effort, rather he has told me I'm making the wrong choices and screwing her up...Yeah, I got mad again, the conversation didn't go so well. And then he told me this...
He doesn't talk to me about his life or things going on in his because he 1) has not desire to speak with me or share who he is with me, and 2) doesn't want to listen to me or care about what's going on with my life because 3) he doesn't view me as a friend, but because we're family he cares about me just as he cares about a stranger walking down the street. 4) His way of expressing his "support" is by not telling me what a mess I'm making of being a Mom to my daughter - and also by apparently telling my kid that I shouldn't be making choices for her but that she should be standing up to me and making them for herself. 5) He is pissed at me because I used to tease and, in his view, torment him as a child - however I am seven years older and haven't lived under the same roof as him since he was about ten or eleven. He was also a violent, agressive, pigheaded little kid I didn't really interact with when I was at home. At times he was cute and cuddly and I loved him very much but he was not the kind of kid you could cuddle with - he'd kick you or bite you or something if you tried.
This is the person who asked me if he could move his family in to my home. This is my brother. This is the guy who I not only made room for, but offered up the better rooms to.
Siblings quite often are very different. Decent people make an effort to get along or at least interact with each other. I have tried. There is no further point in attempting to have any sort of relationship with him as he is not interested nor open to having one with me.
I would have to meet his terms and ideas as to who and what I should be, before he could view me as anything different than someone he owes an obligation to - and I am not interested in being someone else just to satisfy some other person - if I were to become that person I would not be me, and if he were to decide that maybe he could recognize me as something more than some random person in this world, worthy of time, attention, and caring and actively supportive interaction, I don't know that I would want it from someone who is so cold and insensitive and selfishly absorbed.
And all of this makes me so incredibly sad. Not only am I stuck sharing a home with this guy, for god knows how long, but he's my brother and I have no idea where he comes from - he told me he'd be fine if he never saw any of his birth family ever again. My Mom and Dad and brother and sister and I are all worth more than this indifference. His heart, despite his peaceful manner and serene appearance and actions, is shut off from love , unable to appreciate the love that flows to him and incapable of giving it in return.
He is full of criticism without constructive input. And it hurts to say that I am no longer interested in interacting with him. That he has truly hurt me with his chosen stance of indifference and uncaring manner. His lack of interest is really rather hurtful, he's my brother. But in a word only, not by action or attempted interaction. He is the same way with my other brother and sister, but he actually makes more of an effort with them, although he still fails to communicate or interact there as well.
I don't like it and I'm not happy. This is false. This is fake. This is not a friendly or healthy environment for me any more. This is so far from what I want, what I had hoped to create. And he is so selfish that he can't see the ripples of his choices. Tension. Discomfort. Lack of genuine positive feelings for family members under the same roof. Feelings of isolation. Living with strangers who are labled family. These are the issues my daughter has raised and we've been discussing for a few months....about as long as we've been sharing a place. She's not happy, I'm not happy, he's selfishly indifferent - so long as the house is clean, his child is taken care of, he has food to eat, an interent connection, and is able to disappear into the garage when he gets home from work, and again after dinner, he's happy. Indifferent to his wife's expressions of exhaustion, the fact that she is rather overwhelmed with a steadily growing and increasingly faster one year old, and that she needs his help and freely offered support in order for her to relax, retain her sanity, and be able to stop calling the baby a brat - which is totally inappropriate and drives me insane! I can't even be in the same room with her once she starts griping about how much the baby is driving her crazy and how he's acting like a little brat.
I think I've got my rant out. Dear Lord I hope I've gotten it out for now. I'm not quite sure what I can do, but I hope it comes to me soon. He mentioned being here through Thanksgiving and Christmas, but not after that, so I hope that means they'll be leaving then, and I hope I can last that long. I hate moving, and he has already crossed lines that have been the impetus for former moves. I just don't want to do it again. But this family frenemy stuff is bullshit.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Have you ever had a multi-million $ email offer?
From: Williams ParkerAnd my response was as follows:
To: cooladams77@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 4:23:43 PM
Good Day,
Let me start by introducing myself, I am MR. WILLIAMS PARKER, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OFFICER OF LIOYDS TSB BANK Here in London . I am writing you this letter based on the latest development at my bank, which I will like to bring to your personal edification. I am writing you this letter with so much joy and excitement even though my heart goes out to the very powerful and distinguished gentleman who I was Fortunate to have worked for and extremely privileged to have known for numerous years. I am a top official
in charge of client accounts in LIOYDS TSB BANK here in
United Kingdom .
In 2001, my client was going through a horrendous divorce in the United States of America and was on the verge of losing most of his estate to his vicious and diabolical wife. As a result of this alarming predicament, my client came to me with a Very brilliant idea.
He transferred some funds, Twenty million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars ($20.5m) to a fixed deposit account in my bank under an alias which only the two of us knew about as the confidentiality of the matter was necessary for his protection.
Due to his untimely death in early 2002, the funds have been sitting in the account ever since and will continue to do so unless we do something about it. This is where you ome in. I located you through an agency that helps seek people by their email. My client did not declare any next of kin in his official papers including the paper work of his bank deposit. Against this backdrop, my suggestion to you is that I would like you as a foreigner to stand as the next of in to our client so that you will be able to receive his funds. I want you to know that I have had everything planned out so that we can come out successful. I have contacted an attorney that will prepare the necessary document that will back you up as the next of kin to my client. All that is required from you at this stage is for you to provide me with your Full Names and Address so that he attorney can commence his job.
After you have been made the next of kin, the attorney will also file in
for claims on your behalf and secure the necessary approval and letter of probate in your favor for the move of the funds to an account that will be provided by you. There is no risk involved at all in the matter as we are going adopt a legalized method and the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents.
The allocation of our money will be as follows: 30 %( $6.15m) to you for your part in this, 65% for me and my partners and 5% for any unforeseeable expenses we may incur. I think this is extremely fair, as you have nothing to lose but just a little time, while on the other hand I am staking my flawless reputation among other things. And besides $6.15 million is not a pocket change. Once you are approved, the entire transaction should take no longer than twelve business days after which we will go about our daily business, but just millions of dollars richer.
As you can see this is easier than taking candy from a baby, but mind you, trust is something that is developed over time and that is something that we do not have. So I have to let you know that it will highly unfeasible to try to run away with the money Because even though only you can transfer money in and out of your account, the Transfer can only be authorized by my department of which I happen to be the head.
The money will be transferred from my bank to an account you will provide. So please, there should be no room for greed because ten million two hundred thousand dollars can quench even the most insatiable desire for the almighty dollar. Gain, I will be in charge Of everything else. I will assume all responsibilities for this endeavor so you don't have to worry about any legal ramifications, just what you will do with all that money.
Your Urgent response is highly anticipated so please email me through this email Address (williamsparker_parker@yahoo.fr) for more details on this transaction as Soon as possible. This should be kept very secret and confidential.
I believe you know.
Kind Regards,
Williams Parker
wHy do you Have two seperate emAil accounts That have nothing To do with your buSiness? Why are yOu in the uk but you want me To respond to a French Yahoo aCcount? Why doEsn'T my email show up in the To line? Why do you Persist in using capItaliZation in An inappropriate manner? AnD why would the pResident of a baNk have such a poor use of grammar and frequent mispsellings throug mising lettrs and alackofspace between words?
I will be happy to give you my banking information as soon as you provide me with yours, and allow a transfer into an account under my name, from your account in the amount equivalent to the full value of my account plus 50% the day I release such information. This shall be consummated not less than 10 hours prior to said release. Additionally I would request the estimated costs of a top level solicitor to be placed into a trust that can be accessed by the both of us should I require his services in a fraud, impersonation, libel matter, or any other matter, civil or criminal directly or indirectly related to this transaction. I also request that the maximum penalty in these situations, and all other foreseeable situations, be reviewed and calculated, with the resulting days being multiplied by $300 euros per day. This amount should be added to the account as a estimatable risk and loss factor should I be incarcerated for any period of time relating to this matter.This will give me peace of mind and security that should there be any erroneous withdrawals on my account, that I will not be disadvantaged, that I will not be negatively affected should there be some sort of rebuttal or legal denial to my claim, and should these actions result in prosecution and incarceration that I will not be at a loss, but will be compensated for lost income as well as for the loss of my freedom. You are quite trusting to so generously approach a stranger with such an illegal and enticing offer, yet I need peace of mind that I am at no risk of financial loss.
Being the professional you are, I am sure you understand, respect, and can afford to meet my needs. At the time of final reconciliation you will turn over these accounts to me, in full, and then may deduct the value at the time of transfer from my share in your favor, of course without adding interest - the interest value will be my compensation for undertaking such an illegal and risky venture, again with an unknown whose lack of proper English makes me wonder why the English universities are held in such high esteem while the American educational system is viewed as quite poor on the international level.
So, I'm thinking now, this guy is a little sneaky, and rather unethical, and while not the kind of person I'd choose to hang with, he could become quite useful to us all if this is his modus operandi. I have included his actual email which he asked me to respond to (see above), and I'm thinking that maybe he has other single customers either dead or near dying without family - I think we should ALL email him and let him know we're interested not only in this guy's estate but all his other client's estates too.
He may say, "...but they're still living", or, "but they have a will" - honestly now, he's probably not going to put up too much of an arguement, and I think if you mentioned it to him, that he might even be willing to find a way around the whole living with a will thing and you just might hasten the process with a little firm encouragement or feminine enticement while the one and only copy of the will miraculously disappears from the safe deposit box in his bank!
I'm not saying, nor am I in anyway implying this is a good idea, I'm just thinking, cause you know he wants to continue on as though he doesn't have a fortune, keep his job and all that...and, well, this might be a perfect repeat sort of process. But not for me. Like so many other times, to so many other men, I must once again say..."I'll try it, but you know, you're my first" added to, "Mr. Williams Parker -I've never done this before, and oh I can't ever imagine doing it with anyone else, it just feels so good, you're incredible..." and, quite honestly, "I think ye've got a bit o' the devil in ye."
Monday, August 20, 2007
Delay on the I or I Decision...
I went out for what I was under the impression was going to be a one on one dinner the other night, but then a repeat self-inviting house guest was unable to take a clue, and was sitting at the table, waiting to greet me as I walked in. Nice. I know it was a rare occasion, I wrote that meaning his being in town, but our dinner was too, and I know they're close, and honestly I should have just said, hey some time when you're totally free, but I'd met the guy the week before and hadn't minded his presence, and all in all it was probably good he was there as I was more relaxed than I would have been without him. Low key, low stress, lots of laughter.
So, that's cool, and then we talk about doing it again, which I'm totally looking forward to, and the next morning as I'm talking to my sister's best friend (again, immediately preceding post please!) it comes up that the cutie from out of state is coming back during the week, and staying for half the weekend. I invited everyone up to our town for dinner and drinks and such, and then realized that I was hoping to have time with the second guy.
As it turns out I overbooked myself by having set tentative plans with the two men I am most intrested in - for the same time frame! And well, life always has a way of working things out...and everything, absolutely everything fell through for me. Not just on the night in question, but almost like the World was trying to prove a point, and everything I had set for the entire weekend was lost in the universe the moment I verbalized my intentions. I did not do a thing, except for last minute totally unrelated things and the last one of those ended up badly - now my entire chest, down to nearly nipple, shoulders, upper back, and upper and inner thighs are burning, flaming REDand it's too hot to sleep, I'm too sore to move, and to uncomfortable to do anything at all. I have the fan running with two windows open, no top, a very light sheet to protect me from the very cold air, and I'm miserable. AND, I've even taken methadone trying to cut the edge of this shit!
So, I didn't get to see my Seattle writer, and I didn't get to see this local guy either. And I've had introspection forced upon me when I had already chosen intimacy. However, that was probably good, because I realized something. Regardless of what does or does not happen with the guy down here, the reasonable relationship one, I already know something.
First, yes I am most definitely attracted to him. Mentally, spiritually, and definitely physcally.
Second, there really aren't many people I can say that about. Drop the physical part, there are few people in this world I find to be both mentallly and spiritually attractive, whose presence I crave for the stimulating conversation, peaceful sense of self, and open, interested eyes.
Third, when I manage to find someone that fits #2, above, I know better than to just fuck around. That does not mean that I want a relationship or commitment or something, it does mean that I would love a deep friendship - that I know this is a person I respect and admire, someone whom I appreciate, and that it is wonderful to have as many people like that as possible, floating around, flitting in and out, but always caring for and about you and your life.
Fourth - I could be more than happy with a strict friendship, so long as it was a close friendship. I might want more right now, crave his touch, even when he's just brushing against my arm or thigh while he sits next to me, but even more so the hugs and holds and gentle kisses - on the cheek, mind you, so far, on the cheek...
Fifth - all of that makes me nervous all over again. It brings me back to a place I'm not use to, and not entirely comfortable with...I have something to lose here. I have a stake in the game, and I feel vulnerable. Not really liking that bit at all!!
AAAHHHHHCCCCKKKKK! So, there you go. Now, I shall go to sleep, and while I may post this first, I will edit it another day! Sleep tight!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Intimacy or Introspection... What's the next move?
It's not so much the guy that I wanted to write about as his chosen profession that really kicked me in the shin today. He's a writer...not like a famous writer or anything super duper cool, but he writes for NPs and NGOs and such, doing proposals and fundraising and the like. Works for himself. Smart guy. Business degree or something. Pretty darn hot, quite a bit younger.
Out of the blue I was contacted by a local, fairly large NP that is interested in hiring me on a contract basis as their grant writer. Cool. Odd though. I've never written, or actually even read a grant in my entire life and someone I've never met in a business I've never been involved with wants me to fill a role I have no experience with or exposure to. OK. I'll take it cause quite honestly I'm flat broke and my finances continue to beckon...or rather call at this point...without a reprieve or windfall on the near horizon.
Well, for those who may not have known - and this includes me too, until I was quite recently informed - grant writing and proposal writing are somewhat related. Now the NP wants me to not only write their grants, but to also move in to their proposals and direct mailings for the upper echelon of their donors.
ODD methinks!
And then, this past weekend I ventured beyond my doorstep whilst the moon shimmered above. In other words, I went out, at night. Haven't done that in quite a bit...peruse past postings please...and dear lord it was a welcome reprieve from pain and stress etc.
And this man, whom I've briefly been introduced to on a few occasions over the past few years, was seated at a table with a few friends of mine, and I ended up spending my night sitting and talking and drinking, and realizing a few things. They went like this.
God he's hot. (OK to be honest, I've already known this but it hits me each
time I see him).
Which of course leads to - God do I wish he was a bit older! (youngish mom,
seeking mature man...duh!)
Which shocked me when I heard that he IS older than me and so led to:
DAMN I wish he would notice me!
And as the night went on, conversation became more animated, interests were shared, thoughts divulged, Jesus Christ HE DID! And early in the AM we exchanged some numbers. Resulting in -
My complete lack of sleep due to a bit of nervousness and a desire for him to call. First thing in the morning, when I woke up I checked my phone for the time, and saw that I had a text message. Yes, my readers, it was him, letting me know he enjoyed meeting me and would call me later. Guess what -
HE DID! That evening and so I went out and met up with him and his friends. Up to this point I'm cool, ok. It was pretty casual and all that, but while I sat on the stool next to him and really listened to him, not just his words and their immediate relevance, but how they expressed his interests and shaped his lifestyle and I found myself getting more and more attracted and interested, then I started to get nervous a bit.
So, as the night wore on, the group decided to take a late night river walk - me, and three guys. I gathered my belongings to depart for the meeting spot, and noticed another nearly-friend nearby. She is more familiar with this man than I, so I asked her a few quick questions and received some rather disheartening info...like, totally selfish and self absorbed, nearly 40 and never married and with good reason, not a guy who can have a girlfriend but good for some fun now and then...things like that.
Well, I went down to the river, and we all hung out for the next few hours, and it was cool. After that point, upon my departure, he asked me more specifically about my schedule and availability...and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I knew he was busy the next day, as was I, so I waited to text him till today. I agonized over how to sound open and interested without being too forward or too distant, even calling in friends of both genders and all orientations for tips. Finally after much input and multiple revisions, I had it down and sent my text. Five minutes later I started stressing. One last person sent me a late email which shot down my missive from start to finish. One person who knows me well, but has no clue as to who the guy is.
So I waited, hoping I'd get a reply, wondering if I ruined my "last chance at happiness" by not having mentioned another meeting or possibly having used "get together" rather than "hang out". Are you starting to see how lame I am?!?
Fortunately he stopped the impending suicide by replying within a few lifelong hours. It was cute and witty and totally responsive to what I had to say, and is almost like flirtatious banter, but in a text message, and now it leaves it up to me to reply with something on the same level of cute witty and intelligent. I am so fucked.
Which leads me to the big question (for tonight, not all time, at least I hope)
Intimacy or Introspection??? Which is it that I need right now and What is is that I'm ready for and Why is all this boy/girl oh I might like you and I just might like you too stuff so freakin hard???
I want Intimacy...I'm READY for some intimacy, the world is begging for me and intimacy to get it on! My friends are pleading with me to find some intimacy.
But if I freak out this hard, maybe I truly need some introspection. If I knowingly extend myself to someone that a third party states is incapable of true intimacy with another person, well, doesn't that mean that maybe I engage in some serious introspection surrounding intimacy issues?
And then again, do you take an accquaintence's perspective and let that control your interests in a potential connection when you have not yet been exposed to the negative aspects of their character?
Oh! Crap! Wait!! I digress! I believe I forgot to mention the connection to this man, and my FFF. Yes, this man is also a business grad, advanced degree, and writes proposals as well. I don't know what it is lately, but the two people I've found quite attractive, as a whole person and not just looks or something, well, they share similar interests - outdoors and in, recreation-wise with backpacking, adventurous vacations and the like, and they also have the same fairly obscure job. In different communities. In different states.
It's really odd, because I'm usually attracted to a certain physical type, and neither of these two guys fit it, nor do they look like each other, while both are quite attractive, incredibly handsome really.
I don't think I have anything more to say right now.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
I hate Paris Hilton and all those sites that promote pity for the porn Princess (and yeah, I'm an idiot and still read 'em)
(located at http://x17online.com/celebrities/paris_hilton/this_is_justice.php#comments ) :
Please please state somewhere that this post was totally satirical! Please update your site to address this, I'm begging cause if it's not then you're even dumber than Perez. You're arguing that someone's an idiot because they lost a case before the SUPREME COURT ?? C'mon, even getting there means you're one badass attorney!!
Sauer didn't make a mockery of the court - Bacca did by blatantly disregarding Saur's order stating NO HOME ARREST! None, not an option! Bacca can be held for contempt and he will LOSE!
Paris is a threat to society - the underlying issue is not driving without a license, it's DRUNK DRIVING! Her continued actions show how unbelievably egocentric and willingly ignorant she is by not following through, or even confirming the previous judge's orders with her attorney.
The harm she is causing is perpetrated on a daily basis with the attention given to her by the media, through her advertising campaigns and attempted acting career - young children strive to emulate the ignorant sexual and selfish persona she displays. She should be jailed for tht alone, but I am glad to see that at least one person, Sauder has not been bribed or overcome with awe by her family's wealth, power, and political influence.
Sauer should be given a medal for holding on to the law, and pronouncing a verdict that is not token by any means, but also is not the most extreme sentence allowed under the sentencing guidelines for her crime.
People act like he came up with a ridiculous number that is just unheard of for her offenses, but he, in fact, did not "throw the book" at her, but sentenced her to an appropriate amount of time, less than the maximum.
Someone give him a medal or put him down in the history books for being truly ethical and fair during an era when "ethical" has been distorted by various religious and political groups to insane extremes.
Sauer for President? No, how about Sauer for World Leader!
Monday, May 28, 2007
I forgot how and dammit why'd you remind me?!?
And for the most part I've been comfortable with it. Safe might be a better way to describe it, I've felt safe that way. Not putting myself out there, but then again, I haven't met someone I've wanted to expose myself to.
Until last night. At my parents of all places. My sister's best friend was in town with her fiance and her childhood best friend. They stopped off at the folks to say "Hey" while they were around...not that my sister was there, just my parents, so the folks called me and I said I'd come by too. Not that I truly understood who was there, I just thought it was all part of our bigger family. And in a sense it was, and in another sense - God how I wish he was!
Love, lust, desire, affection - those emotions have never ever ever crept up on me! They just hit me over the head, hard. and usually right when eye contact is first made. And I fall hard and fast, and it's heartbreaking!!!
BTW - I am divorced. For a number of years my ex has been "threatening" to move to Seattle - I've been pleading with him to GO, please, and leave me my town you Texan interloper! I've even stated that since he's staying put I will go as I have some family and old friends who live up there. Finally, he's going. And the man I am ready to chase after, throw myself at, and whose eyes I just want to lose my life in, whose touch racks by body with warmth beyond warm, well, this guy lives in Seattle. And to everyone I know it will look like I'm stalking my ex-husband. I AM NOT!
Difficulties, besides the fact that Seattle is no where near SF - he is my sister's best friend's best friend. I love my sister and in fact we are friends too. I am also friends with her best friend. So, he's my friend, and dearly loved family friend's best friend. If I screw things up, and honey, it is me, I am the screwer upper, then I throw the whole best friends link into jeopardy and I am not ready to take on that responsibility as I know how much my sister needs her best non-sister best friend...A LOT.
So, we hugged upon the close of our meal, not just a little hug, but a very close, very tight genuinely affectionate hug. And it was wonderful. And he kept looking at me, my eyes, right into my eyes as we all sat and talked, and listened, and laughed, and shared many a disgusting story! And throughout dinner, and then after dinner, and then on the front porch. It even looked as though when he was coming to hug me good bye he was going to give me a kiss - on the cheek kind of thing, but I kinda of ducked and moved in faster as I was already nervous and trembling and standing in my parents living room wanting to totally make out with this guy I've just met, while my parents, daughter, and friends are all surrounding us saying their goodbyes.
The positive thing is this - We talked, and while neither numbers or emails debuted, he will be making a return visit in August for the big birthday celebration and spa day.
I have two conflicting desires a the moment - ONE is that when he gets back down here for another visit I do not find him attractive at the least. I went with the least likely scenario first as I don't really hope it, but it would make things simple. TWO is that he feels the same way about me, and even more so (I know we're both single right now) and he can't wait to take me aside and talk about planning some of those new SouthWest flights that come directly in to town.
I have only two months to agonize. Damn!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Enough is Enough!! Override the Veto already you spineless partisan politicians!! Address humanity rather than just your constituents! MoFo
We must stop now.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
It's Fo Sho
Which is actually quite rather pathetic. Not the marriage part, but the whole bribery thing. I mean I have about another month until the former owners actually get out, and with that amount of time I don't think I can get my act together, shave my legs, wrap the funbags in a wisp of cloth and an inch or two of thread, and locate some manly mane, or more likely some desperate nerd - hopefully either with a fortune and willing to fund the move, or with some friends who want to jump in on the fun and complete the move themselves!
Pathetic! I've gotten so old in my old age! Actually, in the past month I've aged about 15 years, which is fine - I'm still being confused for my daughter's sister, and my friends for our mother...actually at this point I'm starting to get the idea I need to step it up a bit. It would be nice if as a mid-30's lady people looked at me and notice - WOMAN - rather than thinking, young, naive, not super hot so probably desperate and easy... let me see, maybe she won't notice the not-so-sly booby brush or should I just go straight for the ass grab.
What's really creepy, and this is for real here, not some hooey you throw up here in order to maintain your readers, and this, it's creepy, and really, really disturbing. Going back to the guys and young girls, or women rather, in a bar or club, or at a party... Rather recently I was out and talking to a casual acquaintance, not a close friend - mutual beer buying on birthdays kind of thing - talented, sought after, and a man whore. Regardless of that last fact he doesn't do it for me. Anyway, we were talking and somehow phones came up - camera phones and pictures. I ended up seeing dozens of photos of faceless females - it was an entire collection of in public under the skirt shots - dropped napkins, spilt drinks, shoes to be fixed, whatever the cover may have been - they were now in the phone! There were gramma panties, dirty panties,thighs so big you couldn't see the panties, thongs, cute cotton panties and no panties, some were posed, some unposed, some silverware, and oh yes, even more!!! I have never been so suddenly horrified and self conscious in my life!
So, I have introduced leggings to my daughter and have a new found appreciation for capris.
Ladies, keep both feet on the ground, knees together, and your crotch covered. You never know when the phone is going to attack. Fo Sho.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
When Animals Attack
Recently there has been a surge in strange animal activity. At times these stories have a definite impact upon the state of our planet, the birth of nearly extinct animals, the loss of another species, and the like, while at others, these stories are geared directly at my worst nightmares.
In the past few months there were stories about an anaconda which has been stealing goats and small children. The creature was caught by a grandfather trying to stop the animal from digesting his grandson. The appropriate photographs of the school age child were included, as was the grandfather, and the monstorous snake body. I mistakenly believed that anacondas did not eat people, especially not people larger than a grown goat. Thank you for informing me otherwise.
Last week was the story about the crocodile that attacked the State Trooper's vehicle. I was always under the impression that you were safe from crocodiles if you remained inside a locked, and moving, vehicle. Thank you for the enlightenment. Crodociles will attack, disable, and attempt to devour your vehicle on their way to your meaty human flesh. I will sleep better at night.
There have been stories of people stung by scorpions during the middle of an international flight and while in the grocery store shopping for fruit. While I had always believed scorpions to be outdoor creature, not prone to airports or fruitstands, I now know better. I once had to kill a very large and quite deadly scorpion in order to save my dog's life. It was a horrible experience, the crunching and the clawing, the way it would not die - it is one I do not wish to repeat. I shall always be on the alert. The next time I board a plane I will thoroughly check my seat cushions prior to take off so the flight attendant can dispose of any scorpions for me. And I shall abstain from all fruit, maybe I should include all vegetables too.
Then today was the article that brought me back to my child hood fears. It related to a few other stories I recently saw that have yet to leave my conscious thought. They deal with old childhood stories about small insects and other bugs making a home out of your nose, ear, hair, or skin.
There was recently a story of about someone who went to the doctor for a rather unusual skin disturbance. As the doctor poked and prodded the skin it erupted and hundreds of baby spiders made it's way down the obliging incubator's neck. Now, I don't suppose any of the waiting patients remained in their rooms after hearing the multitude of screams and the resulting level of hysteria, but I could be wrong. As you have shown me so recently, I frequently am.
And today, well, today you were kind enough to headline the story about the young boy who heard the crackling noises of a pair of spiders taking a walk through of their new home, his eardrum. Unfortunately the doctor had to irrigate his ear canal to discover the spiders and in the process killed one, and destroyed their home, so you were not actually able to provide the relevant photos with this story.
I would like to thank you, International News Agencies, for bringing back my childhood fears and nightmares. As I had grown and matured I convinced myself these fears were irrational old tales told to scare one another at a sleep over - you have now taken that magical world away for all future children who will have to find more creative and disgusting ways to scare on another at a sleepover, and opened my eyes to the fact that yes, sometimes children are smarter than adults, some adults are just living in a dream world, thinking that disease, fires, wars, and famine are the frightening things in live. While they may be frightening, I fear it is far more likely some spider will appropriate my body while I sleep and months later I will give birth to a litter of mutant spider babies.
Sleep well my friends.

Monday, May 7, 2007
Searching for Something...not a soulmate, not my shoes, but something all the same
Point is...I adjust and move on.
It looks as though my intended career and my ability to reap the rewards of my years of education and the benefits of a doctoral degree are in the distant future. It's not good. And I must make more adjustments.
Such as, I have decided to return to my creative youth, while retaining my present maturity, and write. I have to say, the computer I am currently using is just about awful for my physical being, and my first assignment is to earn enough money to get myself a new laptop so I can be forever comfortable in the setting of my choice.
I am probably the most voracious reader you will ever meet...or at least ever hear of. I read constantly, multiple books at a time (bad habit), and quickly. I love to read. It relaxes me and excites me, puts me to sleep and keeps me awake. It's the wonder drug. Just adjust the topic or author and you will find the desired benefit.
I want to write about parenting, but I don't know how to start off. I have some excellent ideas. I think I'm going to just start in the middle, and elaborate on life circumstances that have both impressed me and bothered me - my child acknowledging something amazing, other parents' belittling behaviour that as a single action is not abusive yet as a pattern creates severe emotional trauma.
There are so many things that I've come across and written about for myself, situations that I've lived, or helped others through, or just had to remove myself from altogether after acknowledging that such horror exists in this world.
I am not the most learned woman out there, I didn't start the whole parenting thing off on the best foot, I'm not the award winning mother, but I am a great mom who has managed to raise a wonderful, grounded, emotionally mature, intelligent, witty, and amazing girl-child. My daughter is and always will be fantastic. She is the kid (and I say this only because it has happened repeatedly) you want to come over and spend the night, heck the weekend, or make it the week, hoping that her influence will help your child to step it up a notch. She is respectful, clears the table when a guest in your home, uses her napkin, minds her manners, and has been recognized at school for her skills both academically and as a born mediator - she is one who observes and reaches out to assist those in need, calming, mediating, just listening. She is active in the local volunteer agency, studies music, and until her most recent and severe injury from which she is recovering, played sports and has been recognized at the epitome of a true team player.
Yes I am a proud mom. I am proud of her immensly, and when I look at her accomplishments, reflect upon our wonderful and wonderous dynamic, and think of her inner strength and stability, I am proud of myself as well.
And as I glance back up to the heading on this post it makes me realize I'm not actually looking for something, what I have is so wonderful I am fearful of it changing. She is growing and maturing every day. She surprises me in so many ways. She is my inspiration. I wish, I pray, and this is coming from a non-religious person here, I do pray that we may stay who we are, only becoming more fully ourselves while maintaining our dynamic, not because it is the root of envy for other mothers, not because she is far and away the greatest accomplishment I will ever claim, but simply because I love her beyond words, and feel that love returned equally. I do not yet know how to let it go. I can let her grow, but I hope it will not be away from me.
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Life is never dull damn it - if you've got one get your ass up and live it!
Big changes afoot!
We shall move once again! For those who know me this is no new song, but quite repetitious and rather worn out...we move far too often, and it is a sad, sad reflection upon the state of my life...however (like you've not heard this before!) this time it's different!!
Before I explain HOW this differs from all the rest, let me give you the cronology of my homes from the time of my child's conception to date... Without thinking this out before hand, my 13 year old thinks we've moved 15 times since her birth. I think it's less than that but wouldn't be surprised if she's right.
Conception and eight months of pregnancy were in a hell whole studio apartment
1. Baby, baby daddy & I came home from the hospital to Mom and Dad's (my age- 20 & 2 days)
2. Not working there, move in to my uncle's spacious 7 room abode
3. Life was not working - lost the hubby, gained some self esteem and moved back to the 'rents.
4. Crazy stalker ex-hub combined with my need for school - move to Chico, CA
5. Worn down and quite ill - work, school, 22 & a toddler in a strange place - back to the 'rents.
6. Need some space - school, work, & kid all good - move in with another mommy roomy
7. Meet man I will marry - move in to small condo 2nd floor of a 3 story complex.
8. Offered a GREAT house super cheap - room for dog, garden, band, etc!!
9. Found out new hubby prefers rockstar dreams & lifestyle to real family - back to 'rents.
10. Love my Mom, but can't live with her - find flat across town.
11. Many crazy neighbors - pitbull attacks, drug raids, and the guy downstairs yells at my kid &
kill my garden...outta there and in to a house near the cute part of town.
12. Substitute QUAINT for CUTE as the house is infested with rats - partial demolition is
required per the exteminator...BRAND new apartment
13. Parents move cross country but don't want to sell...ask me to move to their home...ok
14. Months later, 'rents change their mind...meanwhile reconciled with dreamer ex & get a house 15. Reconciliation was a lapse of sanity...living out my dream for a change...he is a true alky -
move to present home.
So, apparently my kid was right...technically you can't see we've moved 15 times, we started at number one and have moved 14 times since then...but the kidlet's close enough.
Now, for the LAST MOVE EVER! (dear god/dess please make it so!)
Those oh so glorious parents you've seen referred to throughout as my saviours and providers, both family and friend, my past employer and landlord, well, they got rather tired of adjusting their home for us to fit whenever things got bad...and I don't blame them a bit!!!
So, to make sure we couldn't move back (our dog is hated by their dog and it's not a good scene), well, those lovely people were driving home one day when they saw a realtor posting a sale sign on the house next door...so they went over, and after some haggling and wheeling and dealing, they bought the darn thing, and the kid, the dog, and I are about to be the new happy inhabitants!
However - and there is always a however - this house was not just for us, but for the entire family...when someone is in need, this is the home for them. Considering I'm the oldest of four, and one is away at school, one is married and living outside of the US, and one is married with a baby and secure in their job, I thought no worries, no hassles, super cool!!
The brother who is married, with child, and secure in the job apparently is secure in a job that has become distasteful to him, and has been seeking an opportunity to return to his hometown to pursue another degree in another field, and increase the familial connection too. He placed a call to the family - me and the pop, to ask if we would be so kind, and would we mind...
Well, we're super lucky cause that familial connection is about to be multiplied insanely as he, the wife and super-mini kidlet will be staying with us in the new house until they are on their feet and ready for a home of their own in their hometown.
And this my friends, is the ultimate example, on all parts, of what a family is for.
Good night, sleep tight, and please, give your momma a kiss for me, and the pop a hug - or a least an extra-warm handshake!
Monday, April 30, 2007
And now I know why credit cards inflate their interest rates
After many months I was getting pissed and called up again to discuss their incompetence - and the kind man on the phone said:
“Hey, it’s not your social right, so don’t pay the bill.”
I was rather confused and he explained, “If it’s not your social it’s not your credit report so what are they going to do to you if you don’t pay the bill. It’s not going to show on your credit if you don’t pay it, so just stop paying and maybe you’ll get their attention. If it doesn’t, then consider it compensation for your trouble.”
I know that it’s not legally sound advice for me to hand out to you, but I’m thinking that since their employee told me to stop paying my bill - and yes, it was one of those recorded conversations so they can find it - I may have some ground to stand on.
I wish more customer service agents would commit their companies to letting you off the hook for your credit card debt.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Bad New and No News - Sometimes it's Good News
And even though it may have been bad news and then no news, all in all the news and lack thereof resulted in it being a good news day.
Finally we had the exciting drive to the big city to see the big city doc who would fix my small town baby's severe post concussive syndrom. We got to skip the hospital teacher and everything - so I made it a special day!! I introduced my soon to be high school age daughter to the wonder of...SEPHORA. Yes, we left our backwards town at the crack of dawn, hitched the mules to the cart and rode on in to the paved road where we hitched a ride to the bus stop.
Actually I picked up coffee, filled up on gas, which was fortunate, cause then I passed the exit. We made it to Sephora, then SF, found the right Kaiser building, grabbed some burgers, and then met the most wonderful neurologist I've come across in my ten years of neurology visits - which probably number more than the teeth left in your Great-Uncle Jeb's mouth - with his dentures in!
Unfortunately he extended the "return to school date" for my daughter - it was first set in February, two dates offered in March, we went down thinking no later than April 16 (with a secret hope that he might say sooner), and I believe we were both shattered when he said it would be best if she stayed home through the end of the year. Kidlet had already canceled the big school trip to DC and NCY but was shattered when he said no school at all for Jr. High.
That was the bad news. He did redeem himself, and here is the good news that followed the bad news (we'll get to the no news that led to the good news in a sec). This Dr. Raja is one cool dude and def not too old to forget what it's like to be a teen. He suggested it might help her healing if she were allowed to have a presence - no work, no grades, just a social presence on campus - on a regular if not daily basis. The isolation from her friends and classes could slow her recovery even more, and her prolonged absence could have serious ramification on her social and emotional growth if steps are not taken to ensure her place in her social scene in the last semester before high school.
That's the good news - she gets to continue with the personal teacher every day - who adores her - and attend her favorite class and lunch, but not be responsible for classowork, school assigned homework, projects, or any tests - for the rest of the year. She is also to be allowed to participate in dances and things like that. Yeah for Kidlet!! Cheers for Doc Raja!!!
The no news - well, I'm not so hot myself. I have some sort of arterial issue - as in something's wrong with an artery that feeds my brain and so I've been losing my eye sight, falling over, forgetting stuff and not being able to follow directions, feeling like I can't move and my body is numb, and things like that - it seriously bites! The docs, a few of 'em, thought I might have MS but I don't. The neurologist I saw says there's nothing to be done but deal with it my not ever moving my head...hey your shoes untied - dude, that joke could kill me, or give me a stroke or something. Seriously.
So he was pretty nonchalant about the whole thing but I've spent the past few days freakin out. I have been referred down to the big city for another opinion - supposedly a second opinion, but this opinion of the artery thing is actually only the latest in a string of quacky docs so... Oh yeah, our facility doesn't have the ability to do ANY imaging of this sporadically shut down artery either - so no idea if there is anything paliative I could do - or should avoid - like if you rub my neck will you cut off the brain flow entirely or could it increase it???
I was expecting to hear from the SF Kaiser (yepp, the place I spent the day at today) but instead heard back from the nurse. SF is so impacted they cannot see me with the immediacy they believe my condition deserves so the had to return the referral for another facility of my doctor's choosing that could provide me care on a more urgent basis.
I was driving when I heard that and thought - should I turn around and head home?? Should I pull off the highway and find an ER and check in? Am I going to die while I wait for this referral to be completed??? OK, maybe those were dramatic, but the whole SF response and the nurse's version did not work to calm my nerves.
The day went on and a few hours later I heard I was being referred to Sacramento - while normally that would not be my first or second or third choice, I asked for the most appropriate place with the most advanced equipment that could be used for my condition - I trust my primary enough to believe she made an informed decision and will go from there. I was told to expect to hear from Sac to schedule. The hours continued to pass, and as I was in SF for Kidlet's appointment with the specialist I had only my cell - which did not ring, did not show a missed call, and never chimed through with a voicemail. So stuck in rush hour traffice I started to stress - what if Sac doesn't want me either? What if they never finished the referral? How much longer before someone gets a handle on this and I get some good or at least complete information?
Not a good place to be. Rush hour, stop and go, a motorcycle cop on my tail in the carpool lane, a complaining and extremely unhappy and pained teen in the front, overdue on meds, and a bottle of methadone waiting for me in my purse. For two hours. But we made it home alive.
I walked in and there were 6 messages on my home machine. One, only one, but at least one,was from the Sacramento Kaiser - they called to schedule me. My first thought was FUCK! I missed them - but after I called them back, after hours and unable to leave a message, I realized - hey, they have my cell too, they know this is the home number, if it were truly urgent, as urgent as I feared it could be, they would have called my cell to schedule and not given up leaving one message on my home number.
That is how no news can be good news.
Hope the world is here tomorrow so you can continue with what is now your today.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Methadone is kickin my butt - and I'm ready to kick his!
Yesterday was great, we both slept in a bit, but then we got up and out and ran errands and were incredibly productive, took a drive to visit out of town friends, and then caught my cousin's show last night (joeclopton.com - he freakin rocks man!). All and all is was a pretty excellent day - until I was ready for bed. Once again I lay there for hours and hours. Fortunately I fell asleep before 4, unfortunately, and unlike any other night, I slept until 11.
So once I got up today it was rushing around to shower and dress and clean the house before I have to leave for the doctor and the babysitter and teacher were coming. I made it to the docs, it was a first visit with a new specialist, and it went well but it took 2 hours. I came home and crashed. I slept till about 4:30. My poor kid. She was fine, worked on this new computerized home design thing she loves, napped, homework, the dog, but still, poor kid. I didn't have energy to string a sentence together until 6:30. Even then I was far from ways away from a spring in my step and sly grin on my face - try heavy lidded eyes and husky I'm sleeping voice with an irritable 'the phone woke me and now I can't get back to sleep' attitude.
About 5 she called her Dad to remind him she was spending the night. As I was still pretty out of it she asked him to pick her up. He told her to call him about 7 or 7:30 for an answer. So she called at 7:15, he yelled at her for calling before 7:30 and told her to call back later. So she did - and he asked his roommate if they could pick up the kid (Brief explaination here - the guy chooses not to pay child support so the state has taken his drivers license. If he doesn't come up with $300 before May 1st, he'll finally go to jail - that may sound harsh BUT his current monthly support is ONLY $100 - I'm nice, really nice - and with the current amount in mind - he's over $28,000 behind. You have to struggle to get that far behind - I mean, you really have to work at it to be such a deadbeat.)
Unknownst to him, the kid heard both sides of his conversation and it went like this:
DAD to roommate: Hey, do you mind if we go get the kid?
DAD into the phone: Are you sure? You sounded kinda hesitant like you're not feeling good or something.
ROOMMATE: Yeah, no, that's fine. How bout half an hour?
The kid got off the phone to tell me he would be here in half an hour but she had tears in her eyes - I asked what's wrong and she told me not to be mad or anything, and then relayed the conversation. She was pissed. She was pissed that she had to call him 3 times before he'd ask his roomate, and when the guy said yeah, immediately in a non-upset tone, that her dad tried to weasle out of it - she felt like he was lying, that he didn't want her there but was trying to blame it on the roommate being an asshole and not wanting to drive. Except she said jerk and not asshole.
She's right you know. But asshole is a more appropriate description than jerk. I'm sure there are even more appropriate descriptions out there and welcome your version - so come one, gimme your best shot!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Bit more Bout me
Saturday, March 10, 2007
The Value of Me?
How much are you worth?
Just in case you were wondering what I'm worth, there you go - a lot more than I expected,that's for sure, I mean if you were going to acutally assign a monetary value to me, because as everyone who knows me knows - I am priceless and irreplaceable! As are we all dear, as are we all.
My kid is worth exactly $2,238,586. I'd have thought they'd take her future earnings in to consideration and props for an SAT score in jr high, but I guess the system is flawed. Any system assigning monetary value to human life is flawed quite honestly.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Dismal Day & a Dumb Idea
As I hang at home & wait for a diagnosis I have time to think about my developing art career. I have a studio of sorts at home, and continue to stock up on supplies. I've thought of a new project that could be super cool - acutally it might be really cool for real, so I'll tell you about it later after I try it, and you can laugh at my silly little (legally) drug induced ideas after the fact and not ruin my fun beforehand... Did you see Party Monster? What about the corresponding Shockumentary? I'm not endorsing them as my all time favorite movies or anything, it's just that there's a book I want to write about the late 80s/early 90s NYC pop culture icons - not the crazy man in jail for killing his dealer, but of that era...don't know why but for some reason it won't leave my mind. There'd be a very limited audience, and considering that I'm a west coaster, and not a gay man, nor very outrageous in my daily life, it might be a bit hard to get the inside scoop. But I still think it'd be interesting - at least it would be interesting to me. Maybe I'll master canvas arts first and then take on the literary world. Oh, oh, oh yeah - I started knitting today. I've decided that once I get the knack of this, with all my new found free time I'm going to knit a blankie for my baby nephew whom I rarely see, but truly adore! Holding him lets me satisfy my maternal cravings for the smell and feel of a baby without incurring any pain or additional costs - the least I can do is make him a blankie since he's saving me at least $100k! Besides, I love the kid.
How to Maintain Coherency...
This whole icky nerve pain/numbness thing has the Drs temporarily (I stress the temporarily part) baffled - as there are few MDs whole like to admit they are without an answer they tend to medicate the crap out of me! I recently started treatment with a Dr outside of the regular insurance loop. When we got to reviewing my meds - he looked at me and asked "Are you sure that's what you're supposed to be taking?" After an affirmative response, and a viewing of the Rx bottles in my bag, he then asked, "Did you drive yourself here?" After yet another referral outside the system, and another increase by those silly neuro docs, this new doc asked "How are you walking??"
Sometimes I wonder myself.
Let me tell you, this isn't the fun and kicks you'd expect from heavy screw you up meds combined with every increasing amounts of heavy screw you up opiates...shall I remind you, I'm just another human being trying to raise a kid on her own, maintain a household, and retain a sense of self respect and individuality.
It's not so easy when you can't open your eyes all the way.