Thursday, July 24, 2008

Moving Violations

So finances are pretty damn tight right now. The lump of money I was expecting - to pay for my international move and tuition for my and Kidlet - was cut down to a mere 1/7...leaving me in a bit of a clinch.

Tonight is my birthday dinner with my friends. I've been rather stressed out about it as the group of friends is expanding in rather unexpected directions - more fringies than those heartfelt few...and I guess I got distracted while I was driving. Sitting and stressing about how everyone will get along and where people should be seated...

And so.... In my residential neighborhood I got pulled over.

And got a ticket. Failure to make a complete stop at the stop sign.

And now I have to pay the fine.

With the money that doesn't exist.

And it will cut in to my moving funds.

And it basically SUCKS.

Happy Birthday to me... Cue music.